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Ohio Bell Telephone Company. in subject [X]
Telephone companies -- Employees -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Communications Workers of America, Local 4305 Records     
 Creator:  Communications Workers of America, Local 4305 
 Dates:  1947-1975 
 Abstract:  The Communications Workers of America, Local 4305 was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, as Local 6 of the Ohio Federation of Telephone Workers, an autonomous member of the National Federation of Telephone Workers which was founded ca. 1937. The NFTW became the Communications Workers of America in 1947, but the OFTW did not join until 1949. In 1950 the Ohio Bell employees chose the CWA as their bargaining agent and Local 6 merged with Local 104 to form Local 4305 of the CWA. The collection consists of minutes of monthly membership meetings (1947-1973), minutes of steward's meetings (1952-1975), minutes of executive or advisory board meetings (1953-1959), minutes of officers' meetings (1960-1973), by-laws (1969), grievances, legal briefs and related papers from arbitration cases, copies of the Courier (1958-1969), correspondence, and wage agreements. 
 Call #:  MS 3784 
 Extent:  0.80 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Communications Workers of America. Local 4305 (Cleveland, Ohio) | Ohio Bell Telephone Company. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Telephone companies -- Employees -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Telephone -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Employees. | Collective bargaining -- Telecommunication -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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2Title:  Communications Workers of America, Local 4301 Records     
 Creator:  Communications Workers of America, Local 4301 
 Dates:  1966-1970 
 Abstract:  Local 4031 of the Communications Workers of America was established in Cleveland, Ohio, during the 1950s by the merger of the Ohio Federation of Telephone Workers and the Communications Workers of America. The local represents its members in their dealings with the Ohio Bell Telephone Company and serves Cleveland's eastern suburbs. The collection consists of copies of grievances of union members against the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. 
 Call #:  MS 3821 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Communications Workers of America. Local 4301. | Ohio Bell Telephone Company. | Collective bargaining -- Telecommunication -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Telephone companies -- Employees -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor unions -- Telecommunication -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor unions -- Communication and traffic -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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