| Book | Requires cookie* | 41 | Title: | Lehrbuch fèur Herren-Kleidermacher; oder, Grèundliche und deutliche Anweisung in kurzer Zeit alle Stèucke von Mannskleidern richtig zeichnen und zuschneiden zu kèonnen
| | | Creator: | Menge, Johann Friedrich. | | | Publication: | In Commission bei Hennings und Hopf, Erfurt,1847. | | | Call #: | TT520 M544 | | | Extent: | 43 p. 16 plates (15-16 fold.), fold. table. 12 x 21 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 42 | Title: | "Standard" work on cutting: A complete treatise on the art and science of garment cutting
| | | Creator: | Jno. J. Mitchell Co | | | Publication: | J. J. Mitchell, New York,1894. | | | Call #: | TT590 M681 | | | Extent: | 231 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 43 | Title: | The art of scientific cutting with an easy introd. for the use of persons learning to cut
| | | Creator: | Morris, B. H. | | | Publication: | J. Allen, London,[186-] | | | Call #: | TT590 M875 | | | Extent: | 3 p. leaves, 56 p. illus., 24 diagrs., tables. 28 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 44 | Title: | The merchant tailors pattern, alteration and reference book
| | | Creator: | Pakas, S. L. | | | Publication: | New York,1889. | | | Call #: | TT522 P15 Oversize | | | Extent: | 8 p. leaves, 200 p. of blank forms. 36 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 45 | Title: | The inch measure system: Being a treatise on measuring and cutting, by a scale of proportions of the breast measure and actual measurement
| | | Creator: | Scott, Genio C. | | | | Higley, William H. | | | Publication: | New York,1869. | | | Call #: | TT585 S425 | | | Extent: | 22 plates. 27 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 46 | Title: | A treatise on cutting garments to fit the human form: containing fifty diagrams and designs reduced to mathematical principles
| | | Creator: | Scott & Wilson (New York, N.Y.) | | | Publication: | New York,1841. | | | Call #: | TT590 S431 | | | Extent: | 8 p., 47 l. col. pl., 47 (i.e. 46) diagr. 28 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 47 | Title: | Diagrams illustrating Shankland's arrangement of garment draughting: with the adaptation of the principles to the sack coat, proving it to contain the essentials of all other garments designed for the upper part of the body, and to fit closely
| | | Creator: | Shankland, John R. | | | Publication: | J.H. Gihon, Printer, Philadelphis,1847. | | | Call #: | TT520 S528 | | | Extent: | 22 diagrs. on 22 leaves. 24 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 48 | Title: | Parris' system of garment draughting: with the adaption of the principles to the sack coat, proving it to contain the essentials of all other garments designed for the upper part of the body, and to fit closely
| | | Creator: | Shankland, John R. | | | Publication: | J.J. Gihon, Printer, Philadelphia,1847. | | | Call #: | TT570 S528 | | | Extent: | 39 p. tables. 25 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 49 | Title: | The tailor's instructor: containing a system of cutting by actual measurement. In which no proportions of the breast or other measures are used. And giving a correct shoulder and waist balance; to which is added a system by proportions for the use of clothiers
| | | Creator: | Sherman, Amos. | | | Publication: | G.W. Sherman, New York,1846. | | | Call #: | TT590 S553 | | | Extent: | 12 p. 3 fold. diagrs., tables. 26 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 50 | Title: | The cutter's manual: a work designed for the advancement of cutters, in the art of cutting, and the knowledge of making custom clothing ; with practical suggestions invaluable to every cutter
| | | Creator: | Smith, C. B. | | | Publication: | s.n, Providence, R.I,1882] | | | Notes: | Tipped in: Latest improvements (2 sheets) ; Note to cutters (1 sheet). | | | Call #: | TT590 S64 | | | Extent: | 48, [4] p. : ill. ; 25 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 51 | Title: | Rules and directions for cutting men's clothes, by the square rule: by which, in a few hours, a person may acquire such a knowledge of the art, as will enable them to cut all sizes and fashions, with the greatest accuracy
| | | Creator: | Jones, Amanda, fl. 1820 | | | Publication: | published by Amanda Jones, Middlebury [Vt.],1822 | | | Notes: | "Table of proportioning numbers" on folded leaf. | | | Call #: | TT590 R935 | | | Extent: | 23 p., [1] folded leaf : ill. ; 18 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 52 | Title: | Standard work on cutting: Rev. A complete treatise on the art and science of cutting coats, vests and pants, for the exclusive use of purchasers only
| | | Publication: | Published at the Office of the American Fashion Review and Tailors' Journal, New York,1879. | | | Call #: | TT590 S785 Oversize | | | Extent: | 29 p. diagrs. 38 x 28 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 53 | Title: | A complete and permanent system of cutting all kinds of garments, to fit the human form, on a new and scientific principle: with copious remarks on the admeasurements. Illustrated by 17 elaborate diagrams ... Together with much valuable information in the trade
| | | Creator: | Stinemets, William H. | | | Publication: | Narine & Co., printers and lithographers, New York,1844. | | | Call #: | TT520 S859 | | | Extent: | 25 leaves. xvii pl. 41 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 54 | Title: | Complete system for cutting garments
| | | Creator: | Stinemets, William H. | | | Publication: | New York,1852. | | | Notes: | Title taken from label on cover. | | | Call #: | TT590 S859 | | | Extent: | 8 p. fold. diagr. 28 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 55 | Title: | The tailors' complete and scientific guide: being a mathematical principle for draughting and cutting garments to fit the human form
| | | Creator: | Taylor, Francis H. | | | Publication: | S.P. Rounds, printer, Chicago,1863. | | | Call #: | TT590 T241 | | | Extent: | 16 p. 3 double pl. 25 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 56 | Title: | Le nouveau livre du tailleur: traitâe complet de la coupe des vãetements d'homme
| | | Creator: | Thirifocq | | | Publication: | Paris,1881] | | | Notes: | Caption title. | | | Call #: | TT590 T455 | | | Extent: | 47 p. 44 plates. 27 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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Book | Requires cookie* | 58 | Title: | West's report of New York fashions for fall and winter: 1872 ... 18th vol
| | | Creator: | West, John B. | | | Publication: | Printed by Baker & Godwin, New York,[1872] | | | Call #: | Pam. W202 | | | Extent: | 19 p. diagrs. 28 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tailoring
| | | |
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