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Canals -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Ohio -- Surveys. in subject [X]
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Canals -- Ohio.[X]
Howe, Richard, 1799-1872. (1)
Ohio -- Surveys.[X]
Ohio and Erie Canal (Ohio) (1)
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1Title:  Richard Howe Survey Book     
 Creator:  Howe, Richard 
 Dates:  1829-1833 
 Abstract:  Richard Howe (1799-1872) was an engineer for the Ohio & Erie Canal, 1824-1850. The collection consists of a survey book which records a survey of May 24, 1829, of the northern part of the Ohio and Erie Canal (the 39 miles from Cleveland to Summit Lake in Akron). It contains bearings, distances between stations, mile markers, and notes. A note dated July, 1833 states that iron in the locks may cause errors in measurements. 
 Call #:  MS 3909 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Howe, Richard, 1799-1872. | Ohio and Erie Canal (Ohio) | Canals -- Ohio. | Ohio -- Surveys.
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