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Bole, Melinda Eliza, 1850-1918 in subject [X]
Bowles family in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- History. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Bole Family Papers     
 Creator:  Bole family 
 Dates:  1853-2002 
 Abstract:  The Bole Family traces their ancestry to Robert Bole (1818-1891) and Euphemia Bole (Kirkpatrick, birth and death dates unknown). They had five children: Joseph Kirkpatrick (1848-1894), John Clark, Mary (Mame), Allen, and Robert. The donors of the collection are descendants of Joseph Kirkpatrick Bole and Melinda Eliza Bole (Patterson, 1850-1918). Joseph and Melinda had seven children. The majority of the material is related to their second son, Joseph "Joe" Kirkpatrick Bole (1876-1952), and his wife's, Winifred Ely Bole (Ely, 1881-1976), line of descendants. Joe Bole attended Cornell University and was an avid golfer and fisherman. The collection consists of genealogical material such as family trees, family group records, and research notes, correspondence, diplomas, and certificates. 
 Call #:  MS 4989 
 Extent:  0.61 linear feet (2 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Biggar, Anna Harman, 1876-1929 | Bole, Benjamin Patterson, 1873-1941 | Bole, Joseph Kirkpatrick, 1848-1894 | Bole, Joseph Kirkpatrick, 1876-1952 | Bole, Melinda Eliza, 1850-1918 | Bole, Roberta Holden, 1876-1950 | Bole, Winifred Ely, 1881-1976 | Bowles family | Carnegie, Martha Gertrude, 1870-1906 | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History. | Ely family
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