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Musical Arts Association (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Cleveland Orchestra. in subject [X]
Medicine -- Ohio -- Societies, etc. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ignatius M. Jarzynski Papers     
 Creator:  Jarzynski, Ignatius M. 
 Dates:  1904-1942 
 Abstract:  Ignatius M. Jarzynski (1888-1942) was a physician prominent in the Polish-American community of Cleveland, Ohio. He was a founding member of the Medical and Dental Arts Club, president of the League of Polish Organizations, and a trustee of the Musical Arts Association. His wife, Helen Conrad Jarzynski, was also active in Polish organizations, as well as serving on the Women's Committee of the Cleveland Orchestra. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications, and certificates relating to Dr. Jarzynski's career, and, in part, to that of his wife. The correspondence, 1917-1942, includes letters from Ohio Attorney General John W. Bricker regarding draft board examinations during World War I, and an acknowledgment of condolences from Ignace Jan Paderewski. In addition, the collection contains the minutes, 1916-1922, of the Medical and Dental Arts Club, handwritten in Polish, mimeographed minutes, 1934-1939, of the annual meetings of the Musical Arts Association, and miscellaneous materials relating to the League of Polish Organizations. 
 Call #:  MS 3894 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Jarzynski, Ignatius M., 1888-1942. | Jarzynski, Helen Conrad. | Medical and Dental Arts Club (Ohio) | Musical Arts Association (Cleveland, Ohio) | League of Polish Organizations (Cleveland, Ohio) | Cleveland Orchestra. | Polish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Polish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Music -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Medicine -- Ohio -- Societies, etc. | Clubs -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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