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Cleveland-Achill Twinning Committee in subject [X]
Mayo (Ireland : County) -- History. in subject [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Twinning of Cleveland, Ohio and the Parish of Achill, County Mayo, Ireland Records     
 Creator:  Twinning of Cleveland, Ohio and the Parish of Achill, County Mayo, Ireland 
 Dates:  1996-2004 
 Abstract:  The twinning of Cleveland, Ohio, and Achill in County Mayo, Ireland, was a celebration of the ancestral connection of a large number of Cleveland's Irish American population to that area of Ireland, and afforded an opportunity to nurture business and social relationships between the two regions. The celebration was spearheaded by Stephen L. Mulloy and took several years of planning and organizing before the visit of the Cleveland delegation, which included Mayor Jane Campbell, Stephen L. Mulloy, and other prominent Irish Americans from northeast Ohio, in July 2003. In October 2003, Frank Chambers, Chairman of Mayo County Council and other dignitaries from Mayo visited Cleveland. Their trip included a visit to the Western Reserve Historical Society. The collection consists of agendas, booklets, brochures, business cards, calendar, catalog, correspondence, drafts, fact sheets, financial report, flyers, handwritten notes, information packet, invitations, itineraries, lists, menu, minutes, newsletters, newspaper, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, postcards, programs, resolution, summary and typescripts. These items were collected by Judge Sean C. Gallagher, who was involved in planning and organizing this event, and supplemented by Regina Costello. The material documents the celebration of the cultural connection between Irish Americans of Cleveland, Ohio to their roots in Achill, Ireland, with information on the planning, background, research and participants in the event. Included also are promotional materials from Cleveland as well as Achill and County Mayo, Ireland, and information on Mayo politics and history. 
 Call #:  MS 4923 
 Extent:  0.81 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  Cleveland-Achill Twinning Committee | Western Reserve Historical Society -- Photographs. | Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Relations -- Ireland -- Achill. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Relations -- Ireland -- Mayo (County) | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Description and travel. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce. | Achill (Ireland) -- Relations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Achill (Ireland) -- Description and travel. | Mayo (Ireland : County) -- Relations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Mayo (Ireland : County) -- History. | Mayo (Ireland : County) -- Description and travel. | Mayo (Ireland : County) -- Politics and government.
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