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Rhode Island -- Biography in subject [X]
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Soldiers -- Rhode Island in subject [X]
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1Title:  Civil and military list of Rhode Island, 1800-1850: A list of all officers elected by the General assembly from 1800 to 1850. Also, all officers in revolutionary war, appointed by Continental congress, and in the regular army and navy from Rhode Island, to 1850, including volunteer officers in war of 1812 and Mexican war, and all officers in privateer service during colonial and revolutionary wars, and the war of 1812    
 Creator:  Smith, Joseph Jencks, d. 1907 
 Arnold, James N. (James Newell), 1844-1927
 Publication:  Preston and Rounds co, Providence, R.I,1901. 
 Notes:  Supplements the compiler's "Civil and military list of Rhode Island, 1647-1800", Providence, 1900. Each volume has an index, compiled by James N. Arnold. A combined index of both volumes was issued by Smith in 1907, with title : New index to the civil and military lists of Rhode Island. 
 Call #:  E263 R475S 1800-1850 
 Extent:  vi, 799 p. c 28 cm. 
 Subjects:  Rhode Island. -- Militia | United States. -- Army -- Officers -- Registers | United States. -- continental Army -- Officers -- Registers | Soldiers -- Rhode Island | Rhode Island -- Registers | Rhode Island -- Biography
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