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Barnum, F. S. in subject [X]
Skeel, Albert. in subject [X]
Briggs, Herbert B. in subject [X]
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1Title:  American Institute of Architects, Cleveland Chapter Records     
 Creator:  American Institute of Architects, Cleveland Chapter 
 Dates:  1887-1976 
 Abstract:  The American Institute of Architects, Cleveland, Ohio, Chapter was founded in the early 1880s as the Cleveland Architectural Club in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1890 it affiliated with AIA, a national professional organization for architects. The collection consists of constitutions, minutes, membership information, reports, notices of events, resolutions, memorials to members, essays, addresses, survey questionnaires, newsletters, correspondence, notices from national headquarters, and information from other organizations. 
 Call #:  MS 4120 
 Extent:  3.01 linear feet (3 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Barnum, F. S. | Briggs, Herbert B. | Garfield, Abram, 1872-1958. | Hubbell, Benjamin. | Skeel, Albert. | American Institute of Architects. Cleveland Chapter. | Architects -- United States -- Societies, etc. | Building laws -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Monuments -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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