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Hasty Pudding Club. in subject [X]
Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland -- History. in subject [X]
Presidential candidates -- United States. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Robert Johns Bulkley Papers, Series II     
 Creator:  Bulkley, Robert Johns 
 Dates:  1890-1941 
 Abstract:  Robert Johns Bulkley (1880-1965) was a pprominent Cleveland, Ohio, banker, businessman, and lawyer who served as a Democratic congressman (1910-1914) and United States Senator (1930-1939) from Ohio. As a member of the Banking and Currency Committee, he helped frame the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During World War I he served in the legal departments of the General Munitions Board, the War Industries Board, and the U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp. Bulkley was a loyal and staunch supporter of progressivism and the New Deal, and advocated the repeal of prohibition. He served as president and chairman of the board of the Morris Plan Bank of Ohio for over 30 years. The collection consists of biographical information on Bulkley, writings by Bulkley, correspondence, notes on correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and releases, and miscellaneous material dealing primarily with the early period of Bulkley's Senate career and the early considerations of him as a candidate for the 1932 Democratic nomination for president. The material also deals with his service as chief legal officer for the General Munitions Board during World War I. Included is a scrapbook for the Hasty Pudding Club and a history of Society Bank, "Three score years and ten." 
 Call #:  MS 4290 
 Extent:  1.01 linear feet (3 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Bulkley, Robert Johns, 1880-1965. | United States. General Munitions Board. | Democratic Party (U.S.) | Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland -- History. | Hasty Pudding Club. | Legislators -- United States -- Correspondence. | Prohibition -- Ohio -- History -- Sources. | Presidential candidates -- United States. | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1932. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953.
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