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Affirmative action programs -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Urban League of Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Clifford E. Minton Papers     
 Creator:  Minton, Clifford E. 
 Dates:  1947-1984 
 Abstract:  Clifford E. Minton was the director of the Industrial Relations Department of the Urban League of Cleveland, Ohio, following World War II. Minton helped to integrate the white collar work force at such companies as Ohio Bell Telephone and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, as well as department stores, bakeries and delivery services. Minton left Cleveland in 1949 and became executive director of the Urban League of Gary, Indiana. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, and news clippings. The collection pertains primarily to Minton's work with the Urban League of Cleveland and its efforts to eliminate job discrimination and promote black employment after World War II. 
 Call #:  MS 4513 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Minton, Clifford E., 1911- | Urban League of Cleveland. | African Americans -- Employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Discrimination in employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Affirmative action programs -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations.
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