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United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 74th (1861-1865) in subject [X]
Ohio -- Militia in subject [X]
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Book (2)
1Title:  Greene County in the War: being a history of the Seventy-Fourth Regiment : with sketches of the Twelfth, Ninety-Fourth, One Hundred and Tenth, Forty-Fourth, One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth regiments and the Tenth Ohio Battery : embracing anecdotes, incidents and narratives of the camp, march and battlefield and the author's experience while in the army    
 Creator:  Owens, Ira S. 
 Publication:  Torchlight Job Rooms, Xenia, Ohio,1872. 
 Call #:  E525.5 74th 
 Extent:  196 p. ; 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 74th (1861-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 12th (1861-1864) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 94th (1862-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 110th (1862-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 44th (1861-1863) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Battery, 10th | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 34th | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 154th | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories | Greene County (Ohio) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 | Ohio -- Militia | Ohio imprints 1872
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2Title:  Greene County soldiers in the late war: being a history of the Seventy-fourth O.V.I., with sketches of the Twelfth, Ninety-Fourth, One Hundred and Tenth, Forty-Fourth, Tenth Ohio Battery, One Hundred and Fifty-Fourth, Fifty-Fourth, Seventeenth, Thirty-Fourth, One Hundred and Eighty-Fourth, together with a list of Greene County's soldiers    
 Creator:  Owens, Ira S. 
 Publication:  Christian Publishing House, Dayton, Ohio,1884. 
 Call #:  E525.5 74th 1884 
 Subjects:  United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 74th (1861-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 12th (1861-1864) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 94th (1862-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 110th (1862-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 44th (1861-1863) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Battery, 10th | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 17th (1861-1864) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 34th | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 54th (1861-1863) | United States. -- Army. -- Ohio Infantry Regiment, 154th (1861-1863) | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories | Greene County (Ohio) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 | Ohio -- Militia | Ohio imprints 1884
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