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East End Neighborhood House (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
East End Neighborhood Center (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
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African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Buckeye-Woodland (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
East End Neighborhood Center (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
East End Neighborhood House (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
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1Title:  East End Neighborhood House Records, Series II     
 Creator:  East End Neighborhood House 
 Dates:  1910-1976 
 Abstract:  East End Neighborhood House was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1907. It originally offered domestic skills classes and recreational activities to new immigrants principally from Hungary. The Center is a social settlement/community center serving Cleveland's Buckeye-Woodland-Woodhill community. Hungarian during the first half of the century, this area became largely Black during the 1960s and 1970s. Throughout this period, the center adjusted its activities to meet the needs of the area and also to take advantage of newly available federal funds. The programs reflected increased attention to the needs of senior citizens and also included expanded daycare programs and mental-health programs. The collection consists of minutes of the Board of Trustees, membership lists, corporate documents, personnel and director search records, general correspondence, financial records, and general program descriptions and budget statements. The collection pertains to the center's operation and includes material relating to its financial crisis, 1974-76, its search for a black director, and the changing racial composition of the area served by the center. 
 Call #:  MS 4252 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  East End Neighborhood House (Cleveland, Ohio) | East End Neighborhood Center (Cleveland, Ohio) | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Buckeye-Woodland (Cleveland, Ohio)
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