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1Title:  The discovery of North America: a critical, documentary, and historic investigation, with an essay on the early cartography of the New world, including descriptions of two hundred and fifty maps or globes existing or lost, constructed before the year 1536; to which are added a chronology of one hundred voyages westward, projected, attempted, or accomplished between 1431 and 1504; biographical accounts of the three hundred pilots who first crossed the Atlantic; and a copious list of the original names of American regions, caciqueships, mountains, islands, capes, gulfs, rivers, towns, and harbours    
 Creator:  Harrisse, Henry, 1829-1910 
 Publication:  H. Stevens and son, H. Welter, J. Clegg, print. Aldine press, London, Paris, Rochdale, Eng,1892. 
 Notes:  "380 copies issued...Copy no. 140." Plate XVII wanting. 
 Call #:  E101 H323 
 Extent:  xii, 802 p., 1 l. illus., xxiii maps, (4 double) 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Cartography | Explorers | America -- Discovery and exploration | North America -- History
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