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Manuscript Collection in format [X]
Local church councils. in subject [X]
Interdenominational cooperation. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Council of Churches of Christ of Greater Cleveland Records     
 Creator:  Council of Churches of Christ of Greater Cleveland 
 Dates:  1900-1967 
 Abstract:  The Council of Churches of Christ of Greater Cleveland is an interdenominational organization founded in 1911 as the Federated Churches of Cleveland to coordinate the community welfare and education activities of 67 Cleveland, Ohio, churches. In 1934, a new constitution was adopted, which officially changed the name of the organization to the Cleveland Church Federation. A new constitution in 1958 changed the Federation's name to the Cleveland Area Church Federation. In 1965 the Cleveland Area Church Federation adopted another new constitution and new name, Council of Churches of Christ of Greater Cleveland, and in 1985, the Council adopted its present name, Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland. The collection consists of constitutions, amendments, histories, reports, minutes, correspondence, newsletters, bulletins, pamphlets, other publications, newspaper clippings, surveys, scrapbooks, and membership, personnel, and administrative records. 
 Call #:  MS 3406 
 Extent:  7.50 linear feet (11 containers) 
 Subjects:  Council of Churches of Christ of Greater Cleveland. | Churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Local church councils. | Interdenominational cooperation.
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
2Title:  Regional Church Planning Office Records     
 Creator:  Regional Church Planning Office 
 Dates:  1945-1977 
 Abstract:  The Regional Church Planning Office was organized in 1960 by Protestant denominational leaders and research and planning departments of Cleveland and Akron, Ohio church federations, for the purpose of providing research data for participating denominations and local churches, designing and implementing cooperative church planning strategy, and serving as a resource for existing ecumenical structures. The collection consists of reports, subject files, minutes, correspondence, mailings, brochures, and minutes and other materials relating to the Consultation on Ecumenical Strategy for Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the Interfaith Advisory Committee on Community Funding, and the United Protestant Development Foundation of Cleveland. 
 Call #:  MS 3876 
 Extent:  3.41 linear feet (4 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Regional Church Planning Office (Cleveland, Ohio) | Protestant churches -- Ohio -- Relations. | Church facilities -- Planning. | Church consultation -- Ohio. | Local church councils. | Ecumenical movement. | Interdenominational cooperation. | Church fund raising. | Church finance.
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