| Article | Requires cookie* | 1 | Title: | Plowshares and pruning hooks for the Miami and Potawatomi: the journal of Gerald T. Hopkins, 1804
| | | Parent: | Ohio hist. Ohio history. Columbus, Ohio, The Society. v. 88, no. 4, Autumn 1979, p. 361-407
| | | Creator: | Hopkins, Gerald T. | | | Publication: | | | | Call #: | F34B O37P9 v.88, no.4 | | | Extent: | | | | Subjects: | Miami Indians | Potawatomi Indians
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Book | Requires cookie* | 2 | Title: | The Indians of the western Great Lakes, 1615-1760
| | | Creator: | Kinietz, W. Vernon (William Vernon), 1907- | | | | Raudot, Antoine Denis, 1679-1737 | | | Publication: | University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor,1940. | | | Notes: | Includes "Memoir concerning the different Indian nations of North America, by Antoine Denis Raudot. Translation of letters 23 to 41 and letters 45 to 72 inclusive." This memoir, published in Paris, 1904, under the title "Relation par lettres de l'Amâerique Septentrionalle," was attributed to Antoine Silvy by the editor, Camille de Rochemonteix. Includes bibliographical references. | | | Call #: | GN2 M53 no.10 | | | Extent: | xiv, 427 p. ; 24 cm. | | | Subjects: | Indians of North America -- Michigan | Inidans of North America -- Culture | Huron Indians | Miami Indians | Ottawa Indians | Potawatomi Indians | Ojibwa Indians | Indians of North America -- Trading posts
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