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Republican Party (Ohio) -- History. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Warner M. Bateman Papers     
 Creator:  Bateman, Warner M. 
 Dates:  1837-1897 
 Abstract:  Warner M. Bateman (1827-1897), noted Cincinnati, Ohio, lawyer, pursued a long and distinguished career not only in the field of law, but also in the world of nineteenth century Republican politics. Bateman served as an Ohio state senator 1865-1868, and as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio 1869-1877. He played a prominent role at the 1880 Republican National Convention, heading the campaign of John Sherman as Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States. The collection consists of journals, notebooks, speeches, letters, bound volumes of correspondence, account books, dockets, checks, receipts, deeds, dividends, tax records, agreements, invitations, business cards and advertisements, notes, souvenirs, notebooks containing notes for Republican Party lectures, and eight volumes of newspaper clippings relating to legal and political matters. The bulk of the correspondence consists of letters relating to various legal, personal, political, and professional matters associated with Bateman's activities as lawyer, politician, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio (1869-1877), and manager (1880) of John Sherman's political interests. Notable correspondents include John Sherman, Salmon P. Chase, James A. Garfield, Marcus A. Hanna, Rutherford B. Hayes, William T. Sherman, and William H. Taft. A calendar of correspondence is included in Appendix I in the register to the collection. 
 Call #:  MS 2900 
 Extent:  8.80 linear feet (22 containers) 
 Subjects:  Bateman, Warner M. (Warner Mifflin), 1827-1897. | Sherman, John, 1823-1900. | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854-) -- History. | Republican Party (Ohio) -- History. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cincinnati -- Correspondence. | Government attorneys -- Ohio -- Correspondence. | Legislators -- Ohio -- Correspondence. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1865-1950. | United States -- Politics and government -- 19th century. | United States -- History -- 1865-1898.
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