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Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve -- Periodicals. in subject [X]
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Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve Records, Series II     
 Creator:  Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve 
 Dates:  1838-2009 
 Abstract:  The Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve is a Cleveland, Ohio, social organization for descendants of early settlers of the Western Reserve. Established in 1879 as the Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County, the organization has supported a variety of historical and civic projects. The collection consists of addresses, advertisements, agendas, agreements, annual reports, applications, articles of incorporation, bibliographies, board of trustees minutes, book manuscripts, brochures, by-laws, certificates, constitutions, correspondence, diary entries, dues payments, family trees, financial records, flyers, forms, genealogies, handbooks, indexes, inventories, invitations, itineraries, journal articles, journals, lectures, lists, magazine articles, magazine clippings, maps, meeting announcements, membership cards, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, newspaper articles, newspaper clippings, notes, obituaries, pamphlets, photographs, post cards, press releases, proclamations, programs, publications, records of proceedings, reports, research, resolutions, rosters, scrapbooks, song lyrics, speeches, and surveys. 
 Call #:  MS 5181 
 Extent:  21.00 linear feet (22 containers and 5 volumes) 
 Subjects:  Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History -- Societies, etc. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History | Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve -- Periodicals. | Early Settlers Association of the Western Reserve. | Patriotic societies -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Genealogy. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Societies, etc. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History.
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