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Pilgrims fathers -- Anniversaries, etc in subject [X]
Cities and towns -- Great Britain in subject [X]
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Cities and towns -- Great Britain[X]
Cities and towns -- New England (1)
New England -- History (1)
Pilgrims fathers -- Anniversaries, etc[X]
1Title:  Towns of New England and old England, Ireland and Scotland: ... connecting links between cities and towns of New England and those of the same name in England, Ireland and Scotland ; containing narratives, descriptions, and many views, some done from old prints ; also much matter pertaining to the founders and settlers of New England and to their memorials on both sides of the Atlantic    
 Creator:  State Street Trust Company, Boston 
 Forbes, Allan, 1874-1955
 Publication:  G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, and London,1921. 
 Notes:  "This work was planned and prepared by direction and under the auspices of the State Street Trust Company, Boston, Massachusetts." -- Verso of title page. 
 Call #:  F1D S797 
 Extent:  2 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. 
 Subjects:  Cities and towns -- New England | Cities and towns -- Great Britain | Pilgrims fathers -- Anniversaries, etc | New England -- History
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