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Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland. in subject [X]
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland Records     
 Creator:  Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland 
 Dates:  1918-1980 
 Abstract:  The Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1935 through the leadership of Abraham Saslaw. It's goals were to promote literary activities and to provide social events and religious services to deaf members of the Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish community. The organization's first officers were Joseph Adelson, Abraham Saslaw, Lillian Saslaw, Max Ellis, Issac Bialosky, Esther Zimmerman, and Abraham Mansky. The organization has been affiliated with the National Congress of Jewish Deaf. Rabbi William Seligman served as the spiritual leader of the organization from the 1950s-1980. Isidor Reisman, a principal and teacher, taught Hebrew to Jewish deaf students. The group has met at the Jewish Community Center since the 1960s. The collection consists of reprints of newspaper clippings and two guides for religious observance by the Jewish deaf written by Isidor Reisman. 
 Call #:  MS 4700 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland. | Jewish Community Center of Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Deaf -- Services for -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Deaf -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Deaf -- Education -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Deaf -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc.
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