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Book (1)
1Title:  A restitution of decayed intelligence, in antiquities: concerning the most noble, and renowned English nation    
 Creator:  Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640 
 Verstegan, Richard, approximately 1550-1640
 Norton, John, -approximately 1640
 Norton, Joyce
 Whitaker, Richard, -1648
 Publication:  Printed by Iohn Norton, for Ioyce Norton, and Richard Whitaker, and are to be sold, at the Kings Armes, in S. Pauls-Church-yard, London,1634. 
 Notes:  Dedication and preface signed: Richard Verstegan. Signatures: *-3*p4s A-2Xp4s. Title in red and black (mounted on an old plate). Engraved title vignette with letterpress text below: Nationum origo. Allison & Rogers attribute the engravings to Verstegan himself--Contemporary printed literature of the English Counter-Reformation, v. 2, no. 766. Initials; tailpieces; printed marginal notes. Last leaf blank. Chapters 7-10 deal with the Old English language, Anglo-Saxon proper names, and the origins of English titles of nobility. Includes index. Plate on p. 144 hand colored. Imperfect copy: leaves *3, Q3, S, V2 torn with loss of side notes and/or annotations. Provenance: William Morgan. 
 Call #:  DA152 V565 1634 Vault 
 Extent:  [24], 338, [14] p. : ill. (engravings) ; 19 cm. (4to) 
 Subjects:  English language -- Old English, ca. 450-1100 | Names, English (Old) | Titles of honor and nobility -- England | English language Old English | Names, English (Old) | Titles of honor and nobility | Great Britain -- History -- Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 | England | Great Britain | History | Printing in multiple colors (Printing) England London 17th century
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