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France -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain in subject [X]
Braddock's Campaign, 1755 in subject [X]
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1Title:  Reasons humbly offered to prove that the letter printed at the end of the French memorial of justification is a French forgery, and falsely ascribed to His R---l H-----ss    
 Publication:  Printed for M. Collyer, London,1756. 
 Notes:  An ironical defense of the Duke of Cumberland. The letter in question is "Lettre de M. Robert Napier, âecrite áa M. Braddock par ordre de M. le duc de Cumberland. A Londres, le 25 novembre 1754", and is included in a collection of documents (compiled by Jacob Nicolas Moreau and published by order of the French government in 1756) entitled "Mâemoire contenant le prâecis des faits, avec leurs piâeces justificatives, pour servir de râeponse aux Observations envoyâees par les ministres d'Angleterre, dans les cours de l'Europe". The letter concerns General Braddock's expedition to Crown Point and is falsely ascribed to the Duke of Cumberland. Cf. ESTC. 
 Call #:  E199 R288 Vault 
 Extent:  [2], 61 p. ; 21 cm. 
 Subjects:  William Augustus, -- Duke of Cumberland, -- 1721-1765 | Napier, Robert, -- d. 1766. -- Lettre de M. Robert Napier, âecrite áa M. Braddock par ordre de M. le duc de Cumberland | Braddock's Campaign, 1755 | France -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain | Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- France
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