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Session laws -- Ohio in subject [X]
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Session laws -- Ohio[X]
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1Title:  Acts of the State of Ohio    
 Alt. Title:  Laws, etc. (Session laws : 1803- )    
 Creator:  Ohio 
 Ohio General Assembly.
 Ohio Secretary of State.
 Publication:  Printed by N. Willis, printer to the state, Chillicothe,1803- 
 Notes:  Vols. for 1806-1818 have title: Acts passed at the session of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio; 1819-1854: Acts of a general nature passed by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio; 1856-1862: Acts of a general nature and local laws and joint resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio; 1863-1885: General and local laws and joint resolutions passed by the General Assembly; 1886-1908: General and local acts passed and joint resolutions adopted by the General Assembly. Vols. for 1909-1923 have title: Legislative acts passed and joint resolutions adopted by the General Assembly; 1925-1957: Legislative acts passed, excepting appropriation acts, and joint resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of Ohio; 1959-<1973>: Legislative acts, excepting appropriation acts, passed and joint resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of Ohio; 1981-82-1983-84: Legislative acts passed and joint resolutions adopted by the ... General Assembly of Ohio at its regular session ... ; 1985-86- : Legislative acts, including appropriation acts passed and joint resolutions adopted by the ... General Assembly of Ohio at its regular session ... Includes extraordinary and special sessions. 
 Call #:  F34L A1 Vault 
 Extent:  v. ; 20-25 cm. 
 Subjects:  Session laws -- Ohio
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