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Auerbach, Julie Jaslow in subject [X]
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Jaslow, Walter, 1922-2000 in subject [X]
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Auerbach, Julie Jaslow[X]
Jaslow, Walter, 1922-2000[X]
Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Inc. (1)
Jews -- Education -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Julie Auerbach Family Papers     
 Creator:  Gift of Julie Auerbach 
 Dates:  1950-2003 
 Abstract:  Julie Jaslow Auerbach received her Masters of Arts in Jewish Studies from the Cleveland College of Judaic Studies. She was the Director of Jewish Family & Adult Education at the Gross Schechter Day School. She was formerly a Curriculum Associate at the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland and a Senior Educator for Melitz. Currently, Auerbach lives part of the year in Shaker Heights and part of the year in Jerusalem, and as of 2019 was writing regularly about life in Israel for the Cleveland Jewish News. Walter Jaslow was born in 1922. In 1981, Walter Jaslow spearheaded the Jewish Chaplaincy Hospital visitation program at University Hospitals (UH). He served as chaplain at the old Montefiore Home on Mayfield Road until his retirement in 1996. In the last years of his life, Jaslow volunteered at Menorah Park, where he took great joy in playing music for residents. Jaslow died on September 27, 2000 at age 78 in Cleveland. The Julie Auerbach Family Papers collection consists of agendas, awards, a brochure, certificates, correspondence, eulogies, lists, minutes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, notes, pamphlets, photographs, programs, resumes, sermons, slides, speeches, teaching guides, tributes, VHS tapes, and workbooks. 
 Call #:  MS 5453 
 Extent:  1.2 linear feet (2 boxes, including one oversized container) 
 Subjects:  Auerbach, Julie Jaslow | Jaslow, Walter, 1922-2000 | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Jews -- Education -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Inc.
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