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Imprints, Early American To 1820 (1)
Sermons, English[X]
1Title:  Primitive Christianity revived: visible ordinances, sects and denominations done away; and the spiritual, narrow, cross-bearing way of life, or Paul's gospel of Jesus Christ brought to view. Shewing the insufficiency of all things that perish with the using. Pointing all men to the spirit of Jesus Christ within them, as their leader, and not to any arm of flesh    
 Creator:  Gorton, Benjamin, 1757?-1836 
 Publication:  Printed by Moffit & Lyon for the author, Troy,1804. 
 Call #:  B 6539 
 Extent:  268 p. 17 cm. 
 Subjects:  Christianity | Sermons, English | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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