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African Americans -- History. in subject [X]
United States -- History. in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
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1Title:  Annetta Jefferson Papers     
 Creator:  Jefferson, Annetta 
 Dates:  1970-1972 
 Abstract:  Annetta Jefferson narrated the two WVIZ television series, "The History of Black Americans", and "Reflections in Black" and prepared the teachers' guides which accompanied the programs. Jefferson taught English and drama at Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio, then became an education instructor at John Carroll University and a writer for the Educational Research Council of America. The collection consists of teaching guides and scripts for "The History of Black Americans," a WVIZ-TV series which aired in 1970, and "Reflections in Black" which aired on WVIZ-TV several years later. These programs highlighted the history of the black experience in America and the contributions of black authors to American literature. 
 Call #:  MS 4162 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Jefferson, Annetta. | African American women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- History. | African American authors -- History and criticism. | American literature -- African American authors -- History and criticism. | Television scripts. | United States -- History.
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