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Shapiro, Ezra, 1903-1977 -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Rena Blumberg Family Photographs     
 Creator:  Blumberg, Rena Family 
 Dates:  1904-1991 
 Abstract:  Rena Blumberg, the daughter of Ezra Z. and Sylvia Lamport Shapiro, was a community relations director and radio interviewer for stations in Cleveland, Ohio. In addition, she won recognition as an author, lecturer, community activist, and business consultant. She was active in Cleveland area civic, cultural, philanthropic, health, Jewish, and women's issues. Blumberg published her book Headstrong in 1982. In 1999, she married third husband Bernard Olshansky of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, where she now resides. The collection consists of individual and group portraits of Rena Blumberg and individual and group portraits and views that include her parents, Ezra Z. and Sylvia Shapiro. Also included are individual and group portraits and views taken at the 1970 Cleveland Community Rally for Soviet Jewry, a 1934 group portrait taken at the dedication of the Hungarian Cultural Garden in Cleveland, and individual and group portraits and views taken at the City Club of Cleveland 75th anniversary in 1987. Individual and group portraits include David Ben Gurion, Zalman Shazar, Elie Wiesel, Charles Vanik, Richard Celeste, and Dennis Kucinich. 
 Call #:  PG 520 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Blumberg, Rena -- Photograph collections. | Shapiro, Ezra, 1903-1977 -- Photograph collections. | Shapiro, Sylvia Lamport -- Photograph collections. | Shapiro family -- Photograph collections. | City Club of Cleveland -- Photograph collections. | Jews, Soviet -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jewish women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland Cultural Gardens (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs.
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