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Lakewood (Ohio) -- Politics and government. in subject [X]
Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Manuscript Collection[X]
Lakewood (Ohio) -- Politics and government.[X]
Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County.[X]
Waitt, Maude Comstock, 1875-1935. (1)
Waitt, Walter Gustavus. (1)
Women -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County -- Societies and clubs. (1)
Women -- Suffrage -- Ohio. (1)
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Maude Comstock Waitt Scrapbook     
 Creator:  Waitt, Maude Comstock 
 Dates:  1900-1943 
 Abstract:  Maude Comstock Waitt (1875-1935) was a Lakewood, Ohio, politician and first woman elected to the Ohio Senate from Cuyahoga County. Waitt was active in the woman's suffrage movement and was a pioneer in woman's participation in city, state and national affairs. The collection consists of clippings, programs, correspondence, photos, and memorabilia relating to Waitt's political career and civic activities, and to her husband, Walter G. Waitt, and his career at National Carbon Company. The collection pertains largely to Waitt's involvement in Cleveland area politics, including the woman's suffrage movement and her interest in civic clubs such as the Lakewood Woman's Club. 
 Call #:  MS 4265 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Waitt, Maude Comstock, 1875-1935. | Waitt, Walter Gustavus. | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Women -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County -- Societies and clubs. | Women -- Suffrage -- Ohio. | Lakewood (Ohio) -- Politics and government.
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