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Manuscript Collection in format [X]
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. in subject [X]
Women -- Suffrage -- United States. in subject [X]
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Manuscript Collection[X]
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1Title:  League of Women Voters of Cleveland Records     
 Creator:  League of Women Voters of Cleveland 
 Dates:  1918-1972 
 Abstract:  The League of Women Voters of Cleveland was formed in 1920 in Cleveland, Ohio, by former suffragists and members of the Woman's Suffrage Party. The League is nonpartisan and has endorsed various legislation, including laws to protect female workers and improve child welfare and education. Its efforts include voter registration drives, assistance to election boards, demonstrations of registration and voting techniques, as well as sponsoring candidates debates. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, membership records, committee reports and recommendations, publications, scrapbooks, and materials on the history of the women's suffrage movement, including convention minutes of the Woman Suffrage Party. (1918-1919). 
 Call #:  MS 3565 
 Extent:  4.30 linear feet (6 containers and 6 oversize containers) 
 Subjects:  League of Women Voters of Cleveland. | Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. | Women -- Suffrage -- United States. | Voting -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Women -- Suffrage -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Ohio -- Politics and government. | United States -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Politics and government.
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