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November Philanthropy in subject [X]
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1Title:  Iris and Mort November Family Papers     
 Creator:  Gift of Iris November 
 Dates:  1926-2017 
 Abstract:  Morton "Mort" November, noted philanthropist, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 2, 1926. He graduated from East Technical High School in Cleveland. He later enlisted in the U.S. Army and served in Japan at the end of World War II. After the war, he worked as a salesman with the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. In 1948, November married Phyllis Tetalman. They had one daughter, Debra Ann, who died at the early age of 24 in 1977. All of his charitable efforts made under the "November Philanthropy" were dedicated in her name. His first wife died in 1979. Three years later in 1982 he married Iris Flaxman. Together they continued his many philanthropic projects and interests, including at the Cleveland Clinic, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, MetroHealth Medical Center and Ronald McDonald House. Both were also active in the Democratic Party. Mort died on July 12, 2015. Following his death, Iris continued their work through November Philanthropy. The Iris and Mort November Family Papers collection consists of awards, CDs, clothing labels, correspondence, a diploma, letters, newspaper clippings, notebooks, memorial books, pamphlets, a passport, photographs, a poem, reports, scrapbooks, and a yearbook. 
 Call #:  MS 5448 
 Extent:  2.01 linear feet (2 boxes, including one oversized folder) 
 Subjects:  November, Morton, 1926-2015 | November, Iris | Flaxman, Charles | November Philanthropy | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland
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