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Cleveland Plain Dealer in subject [X]
Reporters and reporting -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Anthony J. DiSantis Papers     
 Creator:  DiSantis, Anthony J. 
 Dates:  1936-1963 
 Abstract:  Anthony DiSantis (b. 1910) was a journalist who covered labor news for the Cleveland Plain Dealer from 1941 to 1960 before becoming its labor negotiator, industrial relations director, and assistant to the publisher. The collection consists of DiSantis' columns and articles as labor writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, notes and supporting materials, negotiation notes of the Cleveland, Ohio, newspaper strike (November 1962-April 1963), and correspondence to DiSantis. 
 Call #:  MS 3790 
 Extent:  3.20 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  DiSantis, Anthony J., 1910- | Cleveland Plain Dealer | Journalists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Journalism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industrial relations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Reporters and reporting -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc. | Strikes and lockouts -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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