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Nettles family. in subject [X]
Traub family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Stephanie M. Nettl Traub Family Papers     
 Creator:  Traub, Stephanie M. Family 
 Dates:  1921-2005 
 Abstract:  Relatives of Stephanie M. Nettle Traub lived in Europe and the United States during World War II. The Freedheims, Nettls, and Heitlers corresponded before, during, and after the war regarding immigration to the United States of family members then living in Czechoslovakia. The collection consists of correspondence, affidavits, applications, bills of lading, certificates, legal records, newspaper clippings, passports, and telegrams. 
 Call #:  MS 5016 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Traub, Stephanie M., 1902-1979. | Freedheim, Eugene H., 1900-1984. | Nettl, Richard, b. 1908. | Traub, Harry, d. 1944. | Nettl, Otto, 1874-1943. | Nettl, Olga, b. 1872. | Traub, George L., 1926-1980. | Traub family. | Nettles family. | Freedheim family. | Heitler family. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Correspondence. | Jews -- Czechoslovakia -- Correspondence. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Emigration and immigration.
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