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Great Salt Lake in subject [X]
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Book (1)
1Title:  Die Mormonen-Ansiedlungen: die Felsenge-Birge und der grosse Salzee; nebst einer Beschreibung der Auswanderer-Strasse und der interessanten Abenteuer der Auswanderungen nach jenen Gegenden    
 Creator:  Stansbury, Howard, 1806-1863 
 United States. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers.
 Publication:  Franckh, Stuttgart,1854. 
 Notes:  Translation of the narrative portion of Stansbury's report, originally pub. 1852 as U.S. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake. 
 Call #:  F61J S791E1 
 Extent:  viii, 293 p., fold. map. 17 cm. 
 Subjects:  Natural history -- Utah | Mormons | Great Salt Lake | West (U.S.) -- Description and travel | United States -- Exploring expeditions
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