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Gibbs family. in subject [X]
Shakers -- Ohio -- North Union. in subject [X]
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Caley family. (1)
Gibbs family.[X]
Gibbs, Myra Caley, 1871-1964. (1)
Shakers -- Ohio -- North Union.[X]
Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Myra Caley Gibbs Papers     
 Creator:  Gibbs, Myra Caley 
 Dates:  1884-1972 
 Abstract:  Myra Caley Gibbs (1871-1964) was a Warrensville Township, Ohio, native and descendant of Daniel and Moses Warren. She married Samuel L. Gibbs, who helped the Van Sweringen brothers develop Shaker Heights. She also maintained an interest in the North Union Shaker community. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, diaries, a journal, genealogical materials, a probate inventory, writings, and scrapbooks for Gibbs and some members of her immediate family. 
 Call #:  MS 4111 
 Extent:  0.75 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Gibbs, Myra Caley, 1871-1964. | Caley family. | Gibbs family. | Shakers -- Ohio -- North Union.
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