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Indians of North America -- Implements in subject [X]
Jacob's cavern (Mo.) in subject [X]
Arkansas River Valley -- Antiquities in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Arkansas River Valley -- Antiquities[X]
Indians of North America -- Implements[X]
Jacob's cavern (Mo.)[X]
Oklahoma -- Antiquities (1)
1Title:  Archaeology of the Arkansas river valley    
 Creator:  Moorehead, Warren King, 1866-1939 
 Thoburn, Joseph B. (Joseph Bradfield), 1866-1941
 Peabody, Charles, 1867-1969
 Phillips Academy Dept. of Archaeology
 Publication:  Pub. for the Dept. of archaeology, Phillips academy, Andover, Mass., by the Yale university press, H. Milford, Oxford university press, New Haven, London,1931. 
 Notes:  At head of title: Department of archaeology, Phillips academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Appendix preceded by half-title not included in the paging (1 leaf) "The exploration of Jacobs cavern, McDonald county, Missouri [by] Charles Peabody and W. K. Moorehead" (p. [151]-198) was published in 1904 as Bulletin I of the Dept. of archaelogy, Phillips academy, and is reprinted with original t.-p. and pagination. Bibliography: p. [147]-150. 
 Call #:  F29X A722M 
 Extent:  2 p. l., [iii]-x, 204 p. 1 l. incl. illus., plates, maps (part double) 28 cm. 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Implements | Arkansas River Valley -- Antiquities | Oklahoma -- Antiquities | Jacob's cavern (Mo.)
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