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Kerr, John, d. 1823. in subject [X]
Toll roads -- Ohio. in subject [X]
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Columbus (Ohio) -- Surveys. (1)
Kerr, John, d. 1823.[X]
Subscription libraries -- Ohio. (1)
Toll roads -- Ohio.[X]
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1Title:  John Kerr Papers     
 Creator:  Kerr, John 
 Dates:  1788-1844 
 Abstract:  John Kerr (d. 1823) was the mayor of Columbus, Ohio, 1818-1819. The collection consists of letter books, diary, account books, field notes, survey books for land in and around Columbus, and other papers relating to various business, civic, and literary interests of Kerr, including the Chillicothe Library, the Chillicothe Polemic Society, and Franklinton Turnpike Road Company. Includes accounts of John Kerr and Company with Alexander McLaughlin and tax lists for Columbus (1821) and Montgomery County, Ohio (1822). 
 Call #:  MS 0330 
 Extent:  1.20 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  Kerr, John, d. 1823. | Subscription libraries -- Ohio. | Toll roads -- Ohio. | Columbus (Ohio) -- Surveys.
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