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B. A. T. (Beta Alpha Tau) in subject [X]
High schools -- Ohio -- Cleveland Heights in subject [X]
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1Title:  B. A. T. (Beta Alpha Tau) Records     
 Creator:  Beta Alpha Tau (BAT) 
 Dates:  1929-2006 
 Abstract:  B.A.T. was a social club started in 1929 at Cleveland Heights High School. It adopted the Greek letters, Beta Alpha Tau, to describe itself in its constitution. B.A.T. was initially created as a club specifically for Jewish male students and remained that way for about thirty years, when it diversified its membership. B.A.T. stayed in existence until 1997, surpassing the longevity of other area high school clubs. In 2006, the club celebrated what the group called its 77th anniversary with a reunion, followed by its 90th in 2019. Some of the local prominent members were Jules and Mike Belkin, Albert Ratner, Robert Goldberg, Vic Gelb, and Dr. Lester Persky. 
 Call #:  MS 5515 
 Extent:  2.2 linear feet (three containers) 
 Subjects:  Cleveland Heights High School (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) | High schools -- Ohio -- Cleveland Heights | Shaker Heights High School (Shaker Heights, Ohio) | High school students -- Ohio -- Cleveland Heights | Greek letter societies | Jewish youth | B. A. T. (Beta Alpha Tau)
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