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Ohio -- History -- Societies, etc in subject [X]
Ohio imprints 1873-1885 in subject [X]
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Ohio -- History -- Societies, etc[X]
Ohio imprints 1873-1885[X]
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1Title:  [Publications] New series    
 Creator:  Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 
 Publication:  R. Clarke & Co. for the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati,1873-1885] 
 Notes:  The preface to v. 1 states that "the old series was interrupted in 1854 [1852?] and never renewed." The "old" or first series was apparently composed of the following publications; [v. 1] Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer history, Cincinnati [etc.] 1848 (in publishers'advertisement called the first volume of the Transactions of the Historical Society of Cincinnati)--[v. 2] Hildreth, S. P. Biological and historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio, Cincinnati, 1852 (called in the prefeace "the second volume of the early history of Ohio, prepared by Dr. Hildreth ... and published under the auspices of the Ohio Historical Society.") 
 Call #:  F34B H673P 
 Extent:  3 v. 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  Ohio -- History -- Societies, etc | Ohio imprints 1873-1885
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