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Ohio imprints 1874 in subject [X]
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Chronology, Historical -- Charts, diagrams, etc in subject [X]
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Chronology, Historical -- Charts, diagrams, etc[X]
Ohio imprints 1874[X]
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1Title:  Questions designed for the use of those engaged in the study of Lyman's Historical chart: with a key to the names mentioned in the chart, and a list of geographical names of ancient and middle history with their corresponding modern names    
 Creator:  Lyman, Azel S. (Azel Storrs), b. 1815 
 Lyman, Azel S. (Azel Storrs), b. 1815
 Publication:  National Publishing Company, Jones Brothers & Co, Cincinnati, Philadelphia,1874, c1873. 
 Notes:  On cover: Key to Lyman's historical chart. 
 Call #:  D11 L986 
 Extent:  7-125 p. ; 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  Chronology, Historical -- Charts, diagrams, etc | Ohio imprints 1874
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