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Gorgas, Nathaniel. in subject [X]
Tallmadge (Ohio) -- History. in subject [X]
Avery family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ashley, Avery, Gorgas, and Seward Family Papers     
 Creator:  Ashley, Avery, Gorgas, and Seward Family 
 Dates:  1818-1957 
 Abstract:  The Anson F. Ashley family resided in Tallmadge, Ohio, where Anson F. Ashley was a farmer and tanner. In 1822 he built what is now known as the Myra Seward Pitkin House, named for hs granddaughter. Myra Seward's father served in the Civil War and later settled in Middlebury, Ohio. The George F. Avery family resided in Brecksville, Ohio, from 1841-1907. His grandson, William Avery, served in the 177th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. He married Rosaline Comstock in 1869, and operated a dairy farm in Brecksville. Nathaniel Gorgas served in the 104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the American Civil War. The collection consists of original documents, including an autograph album, a diary, and an account book, collected by a descendent of the Ashley, Avery, Gorgas, and Seward families of northeastern Ohio. Genealogy material, reminiscences, and correspondence have been transcribed and copied by the collector. Included are the Civil War letters of Nathaniel Gorgas to his parents, transcribed by the collector of these papers. A volume containing a diary and account book of Joseph Paul Suter is included, but the relationship of its writer to the family is unclear. 
 Call #:  MS 4669 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Ashley family. | Avery family. | Gorgas family. | Seward family. | Gorgas, Nathaniel. | Soldiers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. | Farmers -- Ohio -- Tallmadge. | Farmers -- Ohio -- Brecksville. | Brecksville (Ohio) -- History. | Brecksville (Ohio) -- Genealogy. | Tallmadge (Ohio) -- History. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. | Tallmadge (Ohio) -- Genealogy.
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