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Botany -- Spain in subject [X]
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1Title:  Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana    
 Alt. Title:  Nouveaux voyages aux Indes Occidentales. English    
 Creator:  BossuM, 1720-1792 
 Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798
 Lèofling, Per, 1729-1756
 Publication:  Printed for T. Davies, London,1771. 
 Notes:  Published originally under title: Nouveaux voyages aux Indes Occidentales, Paris, 1768, and comprising the author's observations during his first two visits to the country, 1751-1757 and 1757-1762. The systematic catalogue of plants (v. 2, p. [17]-67) also published separately as Flora Americµ Septentrionalis. "An abstract of the most useful and necessary articles mentioned by Peter Loefling, botanist to His Catholic Majesty, in his travels through Spain, and that part of South America called Cumana, consisting in his life, and in systematical descriptions of the plants of both countries, referred to the pages of the original Swedish edition.": v. 2, p. [69]-422. Includes index. 
 Call #:  F26J B746 
 Extent:  2 v. ; 20 cm. (8vo) 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Mississippi River Valley | Indians of North America -- Southern States | Botany -- Spain | Botany -- America | Botany -- South America | Botany -- Classification | Louisiana -- Description and travel -- To 1803 | Haiti -- Description and travel | Mississippi River Valley -- Description and travel
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