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African American college teachers. in subject [X]
African Americans -- Education. in subject [X]
African Americans -- Civil rights. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Butler A. Jones Papers     
 Creator:  Jones, Butler A. 
 Dates:  1944-1969 
 Abstract:  Butler A. Jones was an African American educator and professor of sociology. Jones taught at several colleges, including Cleveland State University, 1969-1984. He was particularly interested in the effectiveness of law as a means of social change, with a special focus on school desegregation litigation. The collection consists of correspondence, manuscript writings, legal documents, unpublished reports, clippings, and material on various agencies. The collection pertains to the research of Butler A. Jones with respect to desegregation cases and to activist groups of the 1960s, especially the Southern Regional Council and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Included are desegregation case proceedings and issues of Student Voice, a publication of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. 
 Call #:  MS 4493 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Jones, Butler A., 1916- | African American sociologists. | African American college teachers. | School integration -- United States -- Case studies. | Civil rights movements -- United States. | African American universities and colleges. | African Americans -- Education. | African Americans -- Civil rights. | Race discrimination -- Law and legislation -- United States. | United States -- Race relations.
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