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Virginia City (Nevada) -- Description. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Martin Van Buren Woodworth Papers     
 Creator:  Woodworth, Martin Van Buren 
 Dates:  1854-1908 
 Abstract:  Martin Van Buren Woodworth (1840-1909) was the son of Asa and Elizabeth Rogers Woodworth of Connecticut. He prospected for gold and silver in Nevada during the 1860s but later returned to Connecticut where he became postmaster of Danielsonville in 1895. The collection consists of correspondence between Martin, Elizabeth, Electa and Abbey Woodworth, a school notebook of prose and verse by Florilla Ingersoll, and various legal documents. 
 Call #:  MS 3684 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Woodworth, Martin Van Buren, 1840-1909. | Woodworth family. | Prospecting -- Nevada. | Virginia City (Nevada) -- Description. | Gold Hill (Nevada) -- Description.
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