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Book (1)
1Title:  A remedy for schism: as matured in a conference between Ariel and Clement    
 Creator:  Worcester, Noah, 1758-1837 
 May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871
 Farr, Jonathan, 1790-1845
 Publication:  Monitor Office, C. Webber,--printer, Brooklyn [Conn.],[1832] 
 Notes:  Imaginary dialogue. "The preceding excellent tract [i.e., A remedy for schism] has just been printed from the same types in the 6th no. of the Christian monitor [July 3, 1832; edited by Samuel J. May]. And as there is not enough of it to make a full form, we transfer the following article [Gospel orthodoxy] to these pages from the same paper. Gospel orthodoxy is the 4th article of a series on that subject, from the pen of the Rev. Jonathan Farr, of Gardner, Mass. We regret that we have not been able to give the whole series together in a tract."--p. 20. "Gospel orthodoxy."--p. 20-22. 
 Call #:  Pam. Z1804 
 Extent:  22 p. ; 21 cm. 
 Subjects:  Unitarianism | Trinity
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