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Fox, Josiah, 1763-1847. in subject [X]
Bates, Elisha, 1779 or 80-1838. in subject [X]
Society of Friends. Ohio Yearly Meeting. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Josiah Fox Papers     
 Creator:  Fox, Josiah 
 Dates:  1826-1836 
 Abstract:  Josiah Fox (1763-1847) was a resident of Mount Pleasant, Ohio, and member of the Society of Friends. The collection consists of correspondence and documents relating to the Society of Friends, the Hicksites vs. Orthodox Friends controversy in the Ohio Yearly Meeting, and the activities of Josiah Fox, Elisha Bates, Elias Hicks, Isaac T. Hopper, and other Quakers of Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Includes a record of the Friends' trial at Steubenville, 1828; a proposal for publishing "Orthodoxy Unmasked, or All is Not Gold that Glitters," 1829; and a petition seeking incorporation for the Ohio Yearly Meeting from the Ohio legislature, 1832. 
 Call #:  MS 1515 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Fox, Josiah, 1763-1847. | Bates, Elisha, 1779 or 80-1838. | Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830. | Hopper, Isaac Tatem, 1771-1852. | Society of Friends. Ohio Yearly Meeting. | Quakers -- Ohio -- Mount Pleasant. | Churches -- Ohio -- Mount Pleasant. | Quakers -- Ohio -- History -- 19th century -- Sources. | Hicksites -- Ohio -- History -- 19th century -- Sources. | Ohio -- Church history -- 19th century -- Sources.
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