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Fidelity Baptist Church (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
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Necrologies. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Fidelity Baptist Church Records     
 Creator:  Fidelity Baptist Church 
 Dates:  1892-1975 
 Abstract:  Fidelity Baptist Church is a Cleveland, Ohio, church organized in 1891, as Fidelity Free Will Baptist Church. In 1892 it became Fidelity Baptist Church. In answer to changing social conditions in the neighborhood during the 1950s and 1960s the church became involved in several community welfare organizations. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, programs, membership records, constitutions, agreements, Sunday School records, legal records, baptism and death records (1892-1912), miscellaneous files, and records documenting the church's work with community welfare organizations, including records of the Cleveland Area Church Council and the Inner City Protestant Parish. 
 Call #:  MS 3648 
 Extent:  5.80 linear feet (7 containers) 
 Subjects:  Fidelity Baptist Church (Cleveland, Ohio) | Churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Church records and registers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Baptismal certificates. | Registers of births, etc. -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Necrologies. | Church and social problems -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Local church councils. | Community welfare councils -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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