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Cleveland Women's Golf Association. in subject [X]
Seagrave, Walter Howard. in subject [X]
Women golfers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Alice D. Seagrave Papers     
 Creator:  Seagrave, Alice D. 
 Dates:  1900-1968 
 Abstract:  Alice Duty Seagrave (d. 1970) was a graduate of Western Reserve University's College for Women in Cleveland, Ohio, and author of the book, Golf retold: the story of golf in Cleveland, published in 1940. The collection consists of materials for Seagrave's book, as well as clippings and promotional materials for the Campus Workshop Club, at Flora Stone Mather College, memorabilia for Mather College and Western Reserve University, and biographical materials for her husband, Walter Howard Seagrave. 
 Call #:  MS 4348 
 Extent:  0.61 linear feet (2 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Seagrave, Alice D. (Alice Duty), d. 1970 -- Archives. | Seagrave, Walter Howard. | Cleveland Women's Golf Association. | Flora Stone Mather College. | Western Reserve University. College for Women -- Alumni and alumnae. | Campus Workshop Club (Flora Stone Mather College) | Yale University -- Alumni and alumnae. | Women golfers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Golf -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History.
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