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African Americans -- Civil rights -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Future Outlook League. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Future Outlook League Records     
 Creator:  Future Outlook League 
 Dates:  1935-1959 
 Abstract:  The Future Outlook League was a Cleveland, Ohio, civil rights organization founded in 1935 by John Oliver Holly to promote employment, mobility, and equality for black youth and young adults in the Central area. Holly, the League's first president, was a political office holder in the area. The idea for the League grew out of dissatisfaction with the achievements of existing Negro organizations concerning employment. The organization appealed to both unskilled and semi-skilled Afro-Americans and was one of the first black organizations in the late 1930s to use picketing and economic boycotts to secure employment for Negroes. Supported primarily by weekly fees assessed to those who obtained jobs through the League, the organization integrated staffs of banks, stores, utilities, and industry. Integration of area neighborhoods was also a concern. The collection consists of minutes, financial materials, subject files, scrapbooks, and membership cards. The collection pertains largely to the establishment of the League and its activities in promoting employment and civil rights on behalf of Cleveland's black community. The membership cards reveal characteristics of that community by providing information on marital status, age, occupation, education, and residence. The scrapbooks detail the League's activities against small, local establishments, as well as national chains, such as the A&P Company, Belle Vernon Products, Lawson's Stores, and People's Drug Stores. 
 Call #:  MS 4171 
 Extent:  5.91 linear feet (13 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Future Outlook League. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Civil rights -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Race discrimination -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Black power -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Boycott -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Picketing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions.
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