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Suburban Temple (Beachwood, Ohio) in subject [X]
Rabbis -- Ohio -- Beachwood. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Rabbi Myron Silverman Papers     
 Creator:  Silverman, Myron 
 Dates:  1943-1981 
 Abstract:  Myron Silverman was rabbi of the Suburban Temple, Beachwood, Ohio, a Reform Jewish congregation, from 1949-1975. After his ordination at Hebrew Union College in 1936, he held various pulpits around the country, and served as an Army chaplain during World War II. He came to Suburban Temple in 1949, one year after its founding. He was active in a number of groups, including the Citizens League of Cleveland, the American Jewish Committee, Fairhill Psychiatric Hospital, and the World Union of Progressive Judaism. He was national chairman of the Union of American Hebrew Congregation's Israel Commission, and president of the Cleveland Board of Rabbis. The collection consists of correspondence, sermons, prayers for special occasions, and talks relating to Silverman's roles at Suburban Temple, as well as materials relating to his participation in local and national organizations, particularly the Union of American Hebrew Congregation's Israel Commission. 
 Call #:  MS 4522 
 Extent:  2.00 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Silverman, Myron, 1911-1981. | Suburban Temple (Beachwood, Ohio) | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Beachwood -- Organization and administration. | Reform Judaism -- Ohio -- Beachwood. | Reform Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Rabbis -- Ohio -- Beachwood. | Rabbis -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish religious schools -- Ohio -- Beachwood. | Jews -- Education -- Ohio -- Beachwood.
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