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Shakers -- New York (State) -- Law and legislation in subject [X]
Conscientious objectors -- New York (State) in subject [X]
Shakers in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Conscientious objectors -- New York (State)[X]
Draft -- New York (State) (1)
Imprints, Early American To 1820 (1)
Shakers -- New York (State) -- Law and legislation[X]
1Title:  The memorial of the society of people of New Lebanon: in the county of Columbia, and Watervliet, in the county of Albany, commonly called Shakers. To the respectable Legislature of the State of New York    
 Creator:  Shakers 
 Spier, Richard.
 New York (State) Legislature.
 Publication:  Churchill & Abbey, Printers, Albany,1816] 
 Notes:  Caption title. Signed Richard Spier, Morrell Baker [and others] Trustees. Protesting against the militia law of the State of New York in a plea for exemption from military service and "from all fines and taxes in lieu thereof." 
 Call #:  BX9787 M531 
 Extent:  8 p. 19 cm. 
 Subjects:  Shakers | Shakers -- New York (State) -- Law and legislation | Conscientious objectors -- New York (State) | Draft -- New York (State) | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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