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Law -- Ohio -- Cincinnati in subject [X]
Ohio imprints 1866 in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Law -- Ohio -- Cincinnati[X]
Ohio imprints 1866[X]
Ohio. -- Laws, statutes, etc (1)
1Title:  Laws and general ordinances of the city of Cincinnati: containing the laws of the state, relating to the government of the city; all the general ordinances of the city in force September 15, 1865; with annotations and court decisions. And an appendix, containing several amendatory ordinances passed in Oct. and Nov., 1865    
 Creator:  Cincinnati (Ohio) Ordinances, local laws, etc. 
 Cincinnati (Ohio) City Council.
 Publication:  R. Clarke, Cincinnati,1866. 
 Notes:  At head of title: Published by authority of the City Council. 
 Call #:  F34Y C574YS 1865 
 Extent:  1061 p. 
 Subjects:  Ohio. -- Laws, statutes, etc | Law -- Ohio -- Cincinnati | Ohio imprints 1866
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